Hi again everybody,

I'm in the following situation and need some advice, mainly on a course of
What I have are two programs I've written, which communicate over the LAN
using TCP. The first is a Java applet, the second is a linux daemon written
in C. This means of course that the applet is the client.
What I basically want to do is to create some kind of authentication mechanism
between the two (using a password for example) so that the daemon KNOWS
that whoever is using the applet at the time is actually the administrator.
Even more important, those two communicate using a special protocol that
I designed, and thus it would be nice to be able to secure any traffic between
the applet and the server. Another thing to consider is how to stop tcp session
hijacking or spoofing attacks.
The most obvious thing to do is to solve the auth and the secure traffic issues.
I was wondering what to use for this. I want to make it clear that I still haven't
gone and researched into SSL or TLS much.
>From the few things I've read, there is (or was) a problem using SSL because
of legal problems with RSA over the cipher algorithms. I was wondering if this
is still the case and SSL is a no-option. I also noticed that you have the same
kind of problem if using openSSL with the above mentioned algorithms.
I'm not sure what others exists, and I'd like to take some suggestions.
Regarding the Java platform, if I'm not mistaken Sun has a JSSP (i think that
was the name) in order to implement secure programming over sockets.
As for libraries in C, I know about openssl and libssl, but I'm worried about
the legal rights, and of course, nothing forces me to actually use the SSL
protocol, I could use TLS. Which is better ?
And finally, if anyone can suggest good resources regarding programming
using crypt libraries (to secure TCP sessions), I'd greatly appreciate it.

After all the replies I got regarding the JS thingie, it seems only logical to
ask for opinions on a more "heavy" issue.


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