Not all that long ago I was in a similar position at a previous employer. 
I found a good resource in a book called "e-policy: How to Develop
Computer, E-mail, and Internet Guidelines to Protect Your Company and its
Assets" by Michael R. Overly.  It has guidelines and suggestions for
creating a policy including those nagging HR law considerations and
includes some samples that are drawn from policies in use in the real
world.  Cover price is $20 US ISBN 0-8144-7996-0


>I too searched in vain for a sample information security policy.
>But I can give you some tip based on my expereince,
>This is my view of how an information security policy will look like.
>On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, Nil Fiat wrote:
>--- snipped ---
>> So hey, yesterday I got handed one of the coolest projects of my 
>> life:  I get to write a security policy!  Have I done this 
>> before?  Hell no...but I'm sure I can, especially if you lovely 
>> peeps and gurus out there will point me to some resources.
>> Peace & Packets,
>> Sara T 

  • ... Nil Fiat
    • ... Kanikkannanl PN-149709 Dept-corp Audit Div Desg-Asst.Manager 1/421037 Ph-43983/45283
      • ... Bill Barrett
      • ... Peter Justice
        • ... Greg Medina
    • ... GrdnWsl
    • ... Art Tarsha

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