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----- Original Message -----
To: "Kanikkannanl PN-149709 Dept-corp Audit Div Desg-Asst.Manager 1/421037
Ph-43983/45283" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Nil Fiat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: help w/ security policies!

> TechRepublic has a CD which you can purchase called 'IT Professional's
> Guide to Policies and Procedures' (
> John
>                     "Kanikkannanl
>                     PN-149709              To:     Nil Fiat
>                     Dept-corp Audit        cc:
>                     Div                    Subject:     Re: help w/
security policies!
>                     Desg-Asst.Manag
>                     er 1/421037
>                     Ph-43983/45283"
>                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>           >
>                     23/03/2002
>                     08:26 PM
>                     Please respond
>                     to
>                     "Kanikkannanl
>                     PN-149709
>                     Dept-corp Audit
>                     Div
>                     Desg-Asst.Manag
>                     er 1/421037
>                     Ph-43983/45283"
> Hi
> I too searched in vain for a sample information security policy.
> But I can give you some tip based on my expereince,
> This is my view of how an information security policy will look like.
> An organization's information security policy is a loosely coupled set of
> several policies. Ideally each policy does not exceed 1or 2 pages and
> mostly contain bullet points. It will include,
> 1. Password policy
> 2. E-mail policy
> 3. Firewall and Intrusion detection policy
> 4. Anti-virus policy
> 5. Software selection, procurement and use policy
> 6. Encryption policy
> 7. Internet usage policy
> 8. Asset management policy
> 9. Acceptable system use policy
> 10. Incident response policy
> 11. Back up and business continuity policy
> 12. Security audit policy
> 13. Facilities management policy
> 14. System development and implementation policy
> 15. Outsourcing policy
> In addition this bundle should ideally contain an introduction by the
> author(s), definition of terms (information security etc.,), index and a
> foreword signed by the company CEO or Managing Director which serves as
> top management approval and support.
> Because of the commonality of the subject dealt with, there will be
> extensive cross-references to other related policies. There will also be
> references to the company HR guidelines, legal and regulatory
> requirements.
> I have come across policies where inadvertently authors include procedural
> and technical details. These are not "clean" policies.
> What I have given is a skeletal structure. For filling it with flesh you
> need to contact the relevant people (Say for Firewall policy - the person,
> who administers the Firewall and so on) and back it up with your
> information security experience.
> And yes, my hands are itching to create one such policy, but currently my
> job is to review and audit the policy being written by line function
> people. At the best I do informal consulting.
> Hope this helps.
> regards
> Kani
> On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, Nil Fiat wrote:
> --- snipped ---
> > So hey, yesterday I got handed one of the coolest projects of my
> > life:  I get to write a security policy!  Have I done this
> > before?  Hell no...but I'm sure I can, especially if you lovely
> > peeps and gurus out there will point me to some resources.
> >
> > Peace & Packets,
> > Sara T

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