No you are not, and avoid doing it if at all possible.  All of those
programs offer advanced levels of access to your system and are "holy" as
all hell!!

Jeff Neithercutt  CNA, GSEC
Wells Fargo Bank
Corporate Information Protection
155 5th Street  MAC 0186-030
San Francisco, CA.  94103

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeannine Bestine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 6:53 AM
Subject: Very Beginner Question

I just signed up for this list and I'm wondering if anyone has some 
basic references that one beginning in the network security area.  I 
apologize in advance for bring up an issue that has probably been 
disscussed many times before.

I've been doing desktop support for about 20 macs and never really 
had to worry about network security, but I began some classes in 
networks and find network security very interesting.  Since the new 
OS is presenting some interesting discussions about security, I 
thought I should begin somewhere and soon.

Many of my users use ICQ, IRC, AOL, IM at home, and I've been really 
reluctant to install them on their work stations.  Am I just being 

Jeannine M. Bestine
Computer Assistant VI

Memorial Church
Harvard Yard
Cambridge, MA  02138

PHONE:  617-496-4604
FAX:    617-496-9166

"Mirror, mirror on the wall," she enunciated, in a voice that would 
have secured her a job as a newsreader on any station in the 
universe, "who's the fairest of them all?"

The old man sneered. "Bad command or file name," he said. "Please retry."

(Tom Holt, "Snow White and the Seven Samurai")

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