If you are looking towards IRC I would go to the 2600 IRC server        

Else send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with  "subscribe happy-hacker" in 
the message body.  (I have not used this mailing list, I have just seen it on 
differnet haX0r sites)

Good luck,

> Try IRC. Pick any of the larger networks, EFnet, DALnet, IRCnet.
> Join some channels... Type /list to get a listing of *all* channels. Find
> some channels with the word "hack" somewhere in the name, these could be a
> good start.
> The vast majority of people on these kind of channels are your average
> script kiddie type. (Note i said vast, not ALL).
> You may also want to look for some smaller or underground IRC servers or
> networks. These too can be inhabited by the kinds of people you wish to
> monitor.
> Hope This Helps.
> Dan.

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