Your ISP, like myself, probably think you are a hacker.  They probably shut
down  your access to those ports.  Or maybe your "friends" have installed a
firewall and forgot to let you have access.  Maybe you can have your
"friends" install a Trojan that will open a different port for you to telnet

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 6:41 PM
Subject: Windows shares ...!!!!

Hello all ....
I am connected to the internet through a dialup-modem connection to an ISP.
this ISP gives its users dynamical IPs (non routable and it is applying
I installed microsoft network client because I used to use windows shares on
other users' machines (friends). this is done by doing a scan on netbios
ports on the ips of those machines 10.0.0.x .
I used to find dosens of machines with windows shares.

suddenly, it's been several days, I can find no more machines with shares
....!! the scanner gives nothing. I thought it's a problem with my ms
network client, so I reinstalled it. Still nothing ...
I even used "nbtstat -A 10.0.0.x" from a DOS prompt for some IPs within that
scope, but it gave " host not found ". But it gave something when I used it
for my IP ......
To be more sure, I called a friend that I used to have access to his shares,
and I asked to him to connect. We made a chat and he gave me his actual IP,
so I made that nbtstat to his IP. But it gave "host not found". He was sure
that his netbios ports (137-139) was opened and listening.
By the way, he couldn't neither see me with that "nbtstat -A myIP".
What could the problem be ?? I don't understand....I am a real newbie

Can the ISP do something to prohibit the access to windows shares between
machine weithin it's local network ???????????? how can this be done ???

thanx verymuch for answering ...( I LOVE DETAILS if you have the time)


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