
I am not quite sure if this is the proper forum for this question, but
here it goes:
I am running an OpenBSD 3.0 with pf in bridging mode as a firewall. We
just bought some videokonferencing equipment, and it seems, that the
firewall does not handle this very well. Does anyone have experience on
this matter.

Besides I am considering "downgrading" the firewall, to only be using
two nics, in stead of three as it is now. Would this maybe help?
Currintly I am using 3com nics, but is considering D-link, since someone
told me BSD's have problems with 3COM nics. Can anybody confirm this???

Besides I'd like some info on performance issues with this particular
kind of firewall. It is running on a Pentium II 350MHz with 384MB RAM.
Should this not suffice for a 100 mbit/s connection? My own simple tests
shows that data transfer rates are ok (20 mbit/s plus). But the video
streams seems to have problems.

Thanx in advance!

PS. Thanks for this great forum guys!

M.v.h. Kristian

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kristian Kristensen, IT Coordinator                                     
Technical University of Denmark
Center for Tele-Information                                
Building 371                                                            
2800 Kgs. Lyngby                                                        
Phone: +45 4525 5209                                                    
Cellular: +45 2926 5495
Fax:   +45 4596 3171

E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                           
Web-site: www.cti.dtu.dk
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