At 20:29 2/05/02, Orlando J. Cano wrote:
>I was wondering if anybody from this forum has had any experience with 
>these high energy degaussers.
>I recently used this degaussers on Data Cartridges (DDS), PC & Servers 
>hard drives but I want to be sure all data has been erased and that is not 
>Any comment would be very much appreciated.
>Orlando Cano
>Enterprise Security Analyst

I don't know what everyone else thinks, but IMHO I wouldn't trust just a 
degausser.  If ensuring that the data is completely irrecoverable is very 
important to you, the only sure way is to physically destroy the 
drive.  I've heard that the US military uses a combination of grinders and 
acid baths to accomplish this.  Even burning the drive may not be 
sufficient, since it is possible to recover data even after a 1700 degree 
fire (see ).  A degausser 
would probably render data 99.9% unrecoverable, but if you want to be 
absolutely sure, destroy the media.

Just my $0.02. ;)

Peter Kristolaitis

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