I would personally recommend against the free version of ZoneAlarm.  In
my not so humble opinion, you get what you pay for ;)  As I work in an
IRT, I can tell you that in my experience the free version may not be
what you are looking for.

Additionally, don't be lulled into a false sense of security against
trojans and viruses by firewall products.  Firewalls do not protect
against these.  For genuine protection from malware, you need the tools
for the job.  This means up to date antivirus software, anti spyware
software, and antitrojan software.

You might also want to check out the site www.mynetwatchman.com They
provide a great free reporting service via downloadable plugins that
interact with a range of firewalls, including linux based ones.

Hope this proves useful!


On Mon, 2002-05-20 at 14:27, Van Kham CHIEM wrote:
> Indeed, I share your opinion that AtGuard is really cool, easy to use and
> powerful but if you are looking for something else you can check further
> ZoneAlarm (http://www.zonealarm.com) that is free and also the ZoneAlarm Pro
> that is not free but give you more feature like protection against
> Internet-borne threats like worms, Trojan horses, and spyware and protection
> like Ad Blocking and Cookie Control.
> Last thing, if you heard about BlackIce, I am not sure it is a personal
> firewall as secure as other provided by other vendors...
> I hope it can help.
> VK
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Katarn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2002 12:48 AM
> Subject: Personal firewalls question (for Windows)
> > I have been reading this mailing list for several months now, and I
> > haven't "heard" about a "personal firewall" (for Windows) with the
> > amount of options and features of AtGuard. I still use AtGuard at home
> > and work and I really really like it but I don't know what other options
> > exist in case in some other version of Windows it just stop working...
> >
> > I know Symantec bought the "technology"  :-(  , but I don't see the same
> > power in their software...
> >
> > katarn.
> >
> >

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