On Tue, 21 May 2002 05:26:41 +0200 (MEST)

> Dear All,
> I use openBSD 3.0, now I want to set my computer can't be ping or scan from 
> another computer / network , how can i do this ?

  First, OpenBSD 3.1 is now available ! (great news :o)
  Then what don't you use pf (packet filter), the OpenBSD's firewall ?
  If you don't want people to ping you and scan you then just block all incomming 
        block in log quick on [outside-interface] from any to any
  You can still add those rule to log people who try to scan you (put them before the 
one above) :

        #Block SYN+FIN scan
        block in log quick on [outside-interface] proto tcp from any to any flags SF
        #Block nmap OS fingerprinting attempt
        block in log quick on [outside-interface] inet proto tcp from any to any flags 

  Anyway go and have a look at :
        http://geodsoft.com/howto/harden/OpenBSD/firewall.htm (Hardening OpenBSD 
Internet Servers
Packet Filter and IP Filter on Non Firewalls)

> Another my question is about improving security on OpenBSD, i'm already 
> install patches, closed some ports, how make my OpenBSD more secure, i just 
> need for ssh server only. 

        http://minithins.net/papers/FreeBSD.txt  (Securing FreeBSD step by step (for 
Dummies and even Geeks))
        This site is for FreeBSD but will certainly help you with OpenBSD too, I use 
it on both :o)
> Thanks for your help.
> regards,
> Reva
> -- 
> GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
> http://www.gmx.net

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