Indeed we need the files, exchange data and SQL data... One of my main
problems is user rights and shares though. This company has like a
zillion shares on their servers... I'm afraid I'll get RSI if I have to
click that much :-). It would mean that for every folder I have to
create the share, set the share permissions and the file permissions.
Ok, so a zillion is perhaps a lil too much, but I'm certain it are
around 400 shares on the PDC and another 70 or so on the BDC. It'll
probably take around 4 hours just to restore the shares, which is, too
much time in my opinion...

Anyways thanks for the reply

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: vrijdag 7 juni 2002 17:23
To: Ferry van Steen
Subject: RE: Securing the continuity of the company

All you really want is the data dont you? why on earth would you restore
someone elses system and applications? They could be bugged and or not
administered correctly and then you have that whole can of worms to
I would recommend you have at least the core of their system (servers)
to go in the event you have to snapshot a business up and running at a
moments notice, I have done what you are attempting to do before twice,
in the end all we really cared about was the data, the apps and the rest
better built from another source. This way the server is built the
way and will most likely give you much le$$ problems?
hope this helps


-----Original Message-----
From: Ferry van Steen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 8:15 AM
Subject: Securing the continuity of the company

Hey there,
I hope I got the right list. If not, please let me know where I should
if possible.
Now for the problem. To secure continuity of our customer we want to be
fallback location. (in case something happens at company X, for example
building collapses, they will need to be able to start working here).
problem is, we have different hardware than they have... The customer
doesn't want us to be a replica, they want us to restore tapes when the
I've done some testing and stuff, and restoring the complete tapes
some problems and raises some questions.
When restoring the tapes, we would like the shares to restore and all
applications should run as they did on the original location. This
several issues/questions for me. I could just restore the entire tape,
that will cause huge hardware problems.
What we will be doing is install NT and the service packs (this is both
and W2K in some cases). According to knowledgebase article Q139822 in
\winnt\system32\config the system.* and *.evt files shouldn't be
restored as
they contain hardware specific stuff. Somewhere I heared the software.*
files shouldn't be restored either as they will cause problems as well.
Since microsoft doesn't mention those files, can anyone confirm this?
Anyways, for the main problems/concerns:
If I restore everything including the winnt dir with exception of the
system.* and *.evt (and possibly the software.*) files will I be OK?
for the shares and programs to run properly the registry will have to be
restored as well, and AFAIK the registry contains hardware specific
stuff as
well (the restore will be from intel (x86) machines to intel (x86)
machines). Will it cause problems to restore the registry?
With Exchange and SQL in mind. The backup program supports the restore
the exhange store and other data as an option, but since the whole disk
backed up I might as well stop all unnecessary services (there won't be
installed besides NT, the service pack (the same as the original system
and possibly the backup software (one customer uses NT backup, the other
Backup Exec)) and restore the whole disk including registry (with
of the above mentioned files) since that would completely restore
and SQL as well right?
In short, can I get away, with restoring the full system on different
hardware, if I just leave the
\winnt\system32\config\system.*/*.evt(/possibly software.*) files out?
tests we can do here at the moment don't cover everything and I need to
sure that when the time comes, the system will run as it should.
All info is welcomed. In theory it seems so easy, but in practice I'll
probably run into a lot of problems. Like with the hardware stuff in the
registry, just leaving the \winnt dir out isn't an option either since a
of programs will be placing DLL's in there, and there is no partial
restore (AFAIK).

Kind regards,

Ferry van Steen
InfoPart Automatisering B.V.
Beeksestraat 24
4841 GC Prinsenbeek
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