"Jay D. Dyson" wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Meritt James wrote:
> > > What is generally considered to be the "most secure" (or securable)
> > > Unix/Linux package/version?
> >
> > One still disassembled and still in the box.
>         Okay, while we're trying to be cute, let's also throw in the safe,
> the concrete encasement, tossing to the bottom of the ocean and posting a
> 24-hour armed U.S. Marine guard.

Bury the parts separately...   ;-)

>         But seriously, asking which OS is the most secure is a bit like
> asking which firearm is the safest.  

Precisely!  You need to add a couple of things to the question.  Things
- " to do ....."
- "that doesn't ..." (e.g. what 'secure' do you need?)

James W. Meritt CISSP, CISA
Booz | Allen | Hamilton
phone: (410) 684-6566

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