We use SuperScan to search for shares, but it isn't automated in checking if
the shares are open or not.  I've also had luck with a utility called
Pandora (which I believe I found on Packetstorm), but since I am at a
government site, I have to go through a lot of work to get permission to run
tools, especially if they are free.  Pandora will automatically check all
the shares it finds, letting you know which shares it can access without a
password (and maybe it will try passwords and accounts from a config file,
but I'm not sure).  It took a little work to figure out how to make it scan
properly, but once running, it did all the work for me.

Randy Graham

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harish Gondavale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 9:39 PM
> Subject: How to find open shares on the n/w
> Hi,
> I am very satisfied with this mailing group as i get
> new great ideas and solutions, which I never found in
> any other group. 
> I need help again for you all on my two questions.
> 1. I wanted to find out the open shares (shares w/o
> password or everyone can access these share) on the
> network. Is there any utility or software to findout
> these PCs. 
> Reson: there are few m/cs which are floating in the
> network infected with funlove (flcss) virus. 
> 2. My expereince with Sophos is, eventhough the Sophos
> is installed it will not stop the infection of funlove
> through network shares. Can anybody tell me is it same
> with McAfee? 
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Harish
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