Depends on the ssh server you are using.  If you are using Cygwin to
provide you with openssh, then it now includes TCP Wrappers.  On the
next update, the Cygwin OpenSSH maintainer will be compiling libwrap
into openssh for Cygwin.

On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Susan Chan Lee wrote:

> Hi all
> Does anyone know of a program for Windows which will filter traffic
> so that for an SSH connection only a trusted IP can connect. I guess
> its kind of TCPwrappers for Windows. I have set-up a few SSH servers
> but don't want anyone being able to connect to them. 
> I know this can be done at the OS level, but this is not an option
> for a deployment I am doing. Does anyone know of an app or tool that
> can do this. 
> Any help, greatly recieved.
> Many Thanks
> Susan Chan Lee
> Security Associates - Singapore
> web:

Prentis Brooks  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 703-265-0914 | AIM: PrentisBrooks
Senior System Administrator - Web Infrastructure & Security

       A knight is sworn to valor.  His heart knows only virtue.  His blade
       defends the helpless.  His word speaks only truth.  His wrath undoes
       the wicked. - the old code of Bowen, last of the dragonslayers

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