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I have two Lucent P330 switches (each one is at a seperate location)
connected via OC-12 with ATM modules in each switch.  I have two
VLANs (a VLAN for secure hosts, and a VLAN for other hosts) in each
location so that I can control access to the machines on the secure
hosts VLAN by passing all traffic from the other hosts VLAN through a
screening router.  I am using two VLANs and distributing the secure
hosts between two sites for redundancy or in case the ATM link
between the switches fails so that I still have a subset of secure
machines that I can acces at each location.

Basically, my topology would look something like the following:

   Location 1                      Location 2
   +-Router-+                      +-Router-+
   |        |                      |        |
+---------------+       ATM     +---------------+
| VLAN1 | VLAN2 |---------------| VLAN1 | VLAN2 |
+---------------+               +---------------+
  |        |                      |        |
 Secure   Other                  Secure   Other
 Hosts    Hosts                  Hosts    Hosts

I have the above setup working right now and everything works like a
charm.  The two VLANs work nicely and are able to communicate
properly even over the ATM (i.e. a secure host in location 1 can
easily ping a secure host in location 2 without having to pass
through a router, and that traffic is only seen on VLAN1 and not by
any machines on VLAN2, likewise an other host in VLAN2 can ping a
secure host in VLAN1 only if the traffic first passes through one of
the routers).

Ok, now for the question.  How secure is a setup like this in terms
of the VLAN?  I know that VLANs were originally designed to enhance
performance (i.e. use more the switch's potential) than for security
and I have heard about possible vulnerabilities regarding VLAN
hopping, but how common are they and what do they require to be
successfully launched?

Thanks in advance.

- ---
Jonathan Strine  CCNA, MCP
PGP Key ID: 0x0A02201C

Version: PGP 7.0.4


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