At 05:21 AM 7/8/02, Daniel Nyström wrote:
>the packets roll by to fast.. or to specify.. it logs all packets but I'm 
>only interested in a few of them. How do I limit the output
>so that only.. lets say.. UDP packets coming from is shown?
>Or, lets say I want to see the package that BitchX sends at
>the first startup..?

The tcpdump man page ('man tcpdump') has tons of info on how to do 
filtering.  You'll be wanting to concentrate mainly on the area captioned 
'Expressions'.  For example, to capture all UDP traffic from, 
you'd use:
         tcpdump src host and ip proto \\udp
To see ALL traffic to or from,
         tcpdump host
Read through the examples in the man pages, and *pay* *attention* to the 
description of the filters -- there are a few quirks in it, such as the 
need to escape (\\) the qualifiers 'udp', 'tcp' or 'icmp' when filtering by 
protocol, as these are also keywords.  So far, I haven't hit any roadblocks 
that weren't explained in the man pages.

As always with UNIX, there are other options.  You could always write a 
Perl script that pipes in the output of tcpdump and filters that; even 
plain old grep and a regular expression could do the job.  But why 
bother?  tcpdump has the (very powerful) functionality built right in.

- Peter Kristolaitis

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