I like the scoring idea, but there are actually programs that will allow
you to decide how many lowercase, uppercase, and special characters will
be used in a randomly generated password.

I can't find the link to the one I saw recently, but it was written by
some German guy.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Berry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 4:00 PM
> Subject: Password Scoring
>     First, I want to thank everyone who had advice and comments on my
> previous password complexity vs. length post.
>     I'm trying to come up with an easier way for my users to create
> (but memorable) passwords.  In the past I specified some complexity
> requireing lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and symbols, no dictionary
> words, can't be your birthday, etc. etc.  However my users have been
> complaining that they had trouble both making and remembering these.
> to say the previous administrator let them do whatever they wanted in
> area, leading to some shockingly bad passwords.)
>     After reading all I could find on the subject and doing some
> with LC4 from @Stake, I've come up with the following solution, on
> I'd like some comments.  First I set all the computers on the network
> use NTLMv2 exclusively refusing LM and NTLM responses so that I
> have to worry about the 7/14 character hash problem intrinsic in LM or
> encryption lenght weakness in original NTLM.  Second, I've written an
> application in JAVA (A first for me, especially the OOP part, I
learned to
> program back in the dawn of time circa late 80's, didn't think fortran
> commodore basic would be a good choice though, *grin*)  Basically this
> program does two things (which I haven't been able to find in any
> products, and believe me I looked, why reinvent the wheel?)  First, it
> generate random passwords (which other programs can do, but not with
> kind of granularity) by allowing you to specify how many of which kind
> five types of characters (lowercase, uppcase, numbers, symbols, and
> windows extended ASCII accessed with the alt key)  Second, the program
> check user entered passwords in a text box (although not the extended
> ASCII, coudn't figure out how to make the text box allow you to type
> in)  Third, and most importantly, I created a scoring system so that
> passwords of various types can be compared.  I'm interested to know
> you all think of it, so I'm going to list it below.  Each character is
> scored seperately, then some penalties are applied.
> lowercase=26 points
> upppercase=52 points
> number=62 points
> symbol=94 points
> EXT ASCII=144 points
> any password that doesn't have lowercase divide by 1.25
> ditto for each of the other types
> any password that doesn't have one from each category is divided by 2
> I felt a good standard windows password would have 1 lower, 2 upper, 2
> numbers, 1 symbol, and one EXT ASCII so I added 8 points to make this
> nice number a 500 (instead of 492).
> search the string and subtract half points for each character that is
> of a dictionary word or common name.
> Here are some examples so this all makes sense
> gf04TC:               500 Points
> password              -71 Points
> B3acH_L0ver2          460 Points
> theusgotbeatbygermany 2   Points
> don't-want-to-WORK    290 Points
> VX.24tf               307 Points
> SO2+nose=BAD_SMELL4ME 603 Points
>    Basically the idea is so that you can just set a minimum point
> and pretty much just let your users make whatever they want.  I feel
> is a good amount for a windows password.  Comments anyone?

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