Hi, if you have a redhat linux box, try downloading and running latest version of 
ARPWATCH downloadable from ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/ which will allow you to collate MAC 
Address/IP address info. on a LAN segment as well as detect MAC address to IP address 
changes and ARP poisoning attacks.
Then use another free linux based tool to help you identify the suspect machine, and 
do OS fingerprinting including identifying the network card, this tool is called 
ETTERCAP downloadable from http://ettercap.sourceforge.net/
Another technique which will work in windows based environments where snmp or 
messenger service is running on the desktop/server is to send a message to the IP 
address asking them to call you, if indeed they will.

Please note that you may have problems using these sniffers succesfully if your 
network is switched to the desktop.

Hope this helps.



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