I run a filtering bridge on my home system between the DSL and the DMZ. It
runs FreeBSD 4.5 on a 486 DX2/66 with 32MB RAM and two ancient GeniusLAN NIC
cards (10-BaseT, they've even got the old coax connectors on the back). With
that setup I can run my "public" servers (mail and web, mostly) and run NAT
through another firewall for my internal stuff. Makes for a pretty secure
setup, assuming all is maintained properly.

It works great. The setup was pretty simple, once I got my head around how
ipfw worked. As far as throughput goes, it works pretty well on my 768K DSL
line, and I would think I could probably handle a T1 on it with little
difficulty. After all, even a T1 is only about 15% of the bandwidth
available on a 10 Mbit/s ethernet. I haven't run any scientific tests, but I
get good ping times and my use of all the same stuff I used before I set it
up seems unaffected (i.e., I saw no change in performance).

The real point is that I assembled this box out of the boneyard that most of
us have kicking around- an old 540MB IDE drive, a few old 8M SIMMs that I
never got around to throwing out, and two ISA NIC cards which probably
couldn't be given away, and I've got a pretty decent little bridging
firewall. Make it headless and it's even better; saves room on the desktop
and a port on the KVM. ;-) It can be done on the dirt-cheap, if you're
willing to put some effort into it.

I don't speak for my employer.

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 6:26 AM
> To: Jeff Aufderheide
> Subject: Re: Cracking a server without services
> And while I'm on the air, for those interested in reducing exposure to
> thier packet filtering or proxy firewall might be interested 
> in setting up
> a bridged firewall.  More info is available here:
> http://freebsd.topsecret.net/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/filt

and feel free to contact me offlist with any questions. :)

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
--gill  | Tatu Ylonen, SSH 1.2.12 README:  "Beware that the most effective
        | way for someone to decrypt your data may be with a rubber hose."

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