
Check out They have a website with over 7,000
documents regarding computing. Written for peaple that want to learn more
about it and explains some terminology. They have a search engine that let's
you search the KB or start at the menu and find a topic you're interested
in. Only drawback is that they have material specific for Indiana University
users, but you can pick up a lot of knowledge there. Hope this helps in your
quest for understanding :-)

Best Regards,

Martijn Dunnebier
C-it B.V.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pat Meeks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: zondag 21 juli 2002 22:30
Subject: List Lurker Would Like To Learn More About Security Basics

I manage a web site and found this list and web site when I got hit by a
spammer because I was using an old version of Matt Wright's FormMail. I
received a "baptism by fire" and a short intro into something called "open
relays". By poking around the net, I was able to learn enough to ask my
hosting service (I'm on a shared hosting setup) to move my site to a secure
server and for me to change the email program. The hosting service moaned at
the request (as it is no big deal to be an open relay), but moved me anyway
(at least I know it was a different IP, but I still have no idea how to
check to see if the server is not an open relay).

Security is an issue rarely discussed in web design newsgroups and I lack
technical expertise. My eyes have been "watering over" trying to get a
handle on the terminology used in many of the posts. I'm very interested in
learning about security issues on shared hosting platforms and very
interested in learning more about the really good thread that's been running
concerning DSL and protecting home computers and small networks.

Can you please point me to a site that helps newbies and non-techies learn
security basics? The only sites I've found seem to be for network
administrators and other professionals that already know the basics. For
example, I'd like to be able to understand the terminology used in the DSL

Many thanks!


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