> I've successfully set up a home LAN with NAT, OpenBSD firewall, and
> the goodies. However, I'm wondering what the next step is. As far as
> system maintenance, I know that all OS's require constant patches, but
> have no idea what that involves as far as OpenBSD goes, is there a
> program out there which will update the system for me?
>     Also, I've heard of attacks using other protocols, and such, what
> other security measures can I implement aside from only opening the
> necessary ports with PF? Is there anything to protect against non tcp
> attacks, DOS attacks and other ones I'm not mentiong? Thanks,

OS-wise you have chosen the absolute best when it comes to running a
firewall machine or a bastion host.  Stay current with patches and you
will be as secure as any machine out there.  

Next, install a snort machine on the same network that your external
firewall interface is on.  It will take some heavy reading, but once you
are up to speed with this excellent IDS you will never want to be
without it.


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