Looks like you got hit with the BugBear worm.

Go here to get a fix: http://

After you fix it..re-install your AV software.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bassam ALHUSSEIN [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2002 5:14 PM
> Subject: Somebody saw this trojan ?
> Hello ..
> I have received an e-mail today that is not supposed to be 
> sent to me (they were calling somebody else that I don't know 
> ..). When I read the mail with Outlook Express I noticed that 
> the popup window of dowmloading the attachement is invoked 
> rapidly (Slow computer) without asking for "Open" or "Save 
> as" ... Well, I have some basic concepts about viruses and 
> security. I am using NAV 2001 with the virus definitions of 
> 16/09/2002 and it generally scans the incoming emails. but 
> after reading that email I noticed that NAV is not running 
> !!! With Ctrl-Alt-Del I Didn't see any "Strange" runnong 
> program. On a promt command I wrote : netstat -an and I found :
> TCP              LISTENING
> I think it could be a trojan horse listning on the port 36794 
> .. I ran NAV manually to scan my system...but it (NAV) soon 
> shut down. I ran a free "Process Viewer" and then I noticed a 
> "strange" running program with the name "Hfyj.exe", so I 
> killed it. With the "Regedit" I deleted the key that was 
> invoking this program in : 
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
> I deleted the exe file and when I rebooted I noticed that it 
> is always there and that Nav is not running. I killed the 
> program again ..deleted the registry key... ran Nav to scan 
> the exe file but it sayed that it is not infected !!!
> Help.. The Resident Evil is always here and runing ...
> Note : the mail was sent from a fake address ....and I didn't 
> found the "To: " statement in the header ....How could it 
> come to me without the "To :" statement.
> what about sending the exe file to Symantec ???
> thanx

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