On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 10:56:21AM -0800, Golden_Eternity wrote:
> Setting aside any religious preference, I wouldn't suggest using a x.0 or
> x.1 redhat release for your server. Before they blew their numbering scheme
> with 7.3, I would have said to stick with a .2 release.
> So, if you're gonna do redhat, do 7.3. Its a tested version and its a
> release they're going to maintain for a while. Keeping it up to date will be
> easier.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > We are discussing starting our own web server.  There is debate on whether
> > RedHat 8 or OpenBSD is more secure.  What are your thoughts?  We will be
I use redhat 7.3 and it runs like a charm. On a side note I've used
openBSD and freeBSD as well. If you plan to use a BSD OS IMHO i think
freeBSD should be considered, why? becuse openBSD is a PITA untill you
get used to it. Also, the ports that are available in freeBSD aren't
always avalible in openBSD. As for Redhat, I haven't run into any
problems, well, recently. Let's just say I learned the hardway not to
install any services not needed, and now won't even look at wu-ftp :).
Jerry M. Howell II

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