>I've been using tripwire for a while on my system, and I've
>updated the policy a few times, but a short time after the last
>time I updated it it stopped working. Now whenever I try to do a
>check, I get:
>"*** Fatal exception: 9exception
>*** Exiting..."

I ran

        tripwire -m c -I

and checked the output, then exitted the editor and typed in the
passphrase to update the database.  And then moved on to other

And then I lost carrier.  [Actually, I foolishly ran

        /etc/init.d/sshd restart

from another shell after installing a new sshd.]

And then I got the same error message you got.

The result of the hangup was obvious:

        hostname:/var/lib/tripwire-2057# ls -s
           1332 hostname.twd
           2536 hostname.twd.bak

So I did

        mv hostname.twd hostname.twd.HUP
        cp -p hostname.twd.bak hostname.twd

and it worked fine.


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