
I mean that using some access-lists as I can see that you did is just
enough. It is everything done.
Besides that you should avoid permitting icmp requests from the PIX and
through it.



-----Original Message-----
From: Naman Latif [mailto:naman.latif@;]
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 10:47 PM
Subject: Protecting PIX Firewall at the Perimeter Router

Hi All,

I wanted some suggestions\practical experiences for protecting a
Firewall wall at the Perimeter Router Level.

We have a PIX Firewall connected to our Cisco Router, which is connected
to the Internet. Should there be any IOS Firewall Rules in the Router,
other than blocking Telnet,FTP etc to the Firewall itself ?

PIX will be doing NAT, protecting DMZ machines, and IPSec connections.

Regards \\ Naman

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