Hello Vik,

What the attacker does is not allowing the Kernel to fill in the IP datagram 
from the packet he's spoofing, and filling it by himself/herself. 
How can (s)he do that? 
Well, the best way I know, and probably is the way that land.c (that you mention) 
uses (I do do not know the source of that program) is creating a RAW socket. 
Then using a function called setsocketop() enabling the option IP_HDRINCL which 
allows you to include your own IP Header. This way it's you that create the all
the IPheader including  IP Source Address.

For further information give a look at raw(7) man page.


P. Abrantes 

On Sat, 9 Nov 2002 13:10:11 -0700
"Vik Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My question is this: how does an attacker accomplish modifying a packet and
> sending it; such as in a land.c attack - how does he modify the packet to
> reflect the victim's source and destination IP and then send it onto the
> wire?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fuchs Bernhard [mailto:Bernhard.Fuchs@;itellium.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 5:58 AM
> To: 'vijay vikram shreenivos'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: AW: Smurf ,land attacks
> Hi there!
> with "IP spoofing" you give a different source address to the packet. the
> address is different to your real address. You do this for cloaking your
> scan or if company A scans company B and spoofes the address of company c.
> so company b thinks it is company c scanning them! o.k.? but company a will
> not get any results back! this is mostly to cloak your own scan.
> Smurf is a DoS-Attack (denial of service)
> You Amplifi your ping through a big network. You ping a subnet like
> x.x.x.255 with an SPOOFED IP-Adress and every computer on that big net
> responses to the poor little machine  that has the IP-Adress. Think of class
> B subnet with a few hosts reply to a ADSL connected machine... 1500kb
> download and 196 kb upload :-)
> land attack is a TCP SYN packet that has the ip address and port number for
> the source set to the same as the ip address and port number for the
> destination. the server connects to itself.
> any comments?
> by the way, google knows it too :-)
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen/ sincerely yours
> Bernhard Fuchs
> Junior System-Engineer
> IT-Infrastruktur
> Systems & Services GmbH
> Fürther Straße 205
> 90429 Nürnberg
> Tel.:   +49-911-14-27321
> Fax:    +49-911-14-22016
> mailto:bernhard.fuchs@;itellium.com
> http://www.itellium.com
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> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: vijay vikram shreenivos [mailto:karpagamekapali@;rediffmail.com]
> Gesendet: Samstag, 2. November 2002 08:15
> Betreff: Smurf ,land attacks
> Hi list,
> Can someone give the EXACT differences btw
> and IP soofing attacks.
> karpagamekapalidurgau
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