> Hello list,
> I am looking for a secure FTP server which has less
> vulnerabilities compared to IIS. Besides
> functionality, it is important to be tightly secure &
> not to have some vulnerabilities related with FTP
> commands such as FTP PORT / SITE / NLIST.
> Any recommedations & comments are wellcome.

Running on windows? Spending money?

Windows - money:
WS_FTP Pro Server
WFTPD - Windows FTP Server

Windows - no money:
WAR FTP Daemon

The pricey ones are significanly better, (and, yes, obviously, significantly
more expensive)

If you are running *n*x operating system, I would recommend using scp over
ssh. Same functionality as ftp, but encypted. There are windows clients for
this (WinSCP), I don't know about servers...
Personally recommend this as your number 1 option. 

Most of the UNIX ftp clients are quite good too.. 

take your pick...
good, fast, cheap...

> ./the_ids_guy

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