> Its a known fact.. thats what NAI etc encounter the
> most - they are the most 
> common script kiddie trojans. And lets face it many
> script kiddies canm in 
> fact use BO2k...

Okay, but my point is this..._how_ is it a "known
fact"?  Where is this documented, other than in your
post?  You say "thats [sic] what NAI etc encounter the
most"...where does it say that?  Is there an offical
report or something that shows activity on a regular

I'm not trying to be adversarial here...though some
seem to feel that I am.  I'm trying to establish
whether or not there is documented information or not.
 One person saying that it's a "known fact" doesn't
make it so.  It's similar to the case of a "tagged"
FTP directory I was investigating while at Winstar. 
An admin had emailed the customer directly, saying
that the customer's SAM database had been copied,
cracked, and the attackers had logged into the system.
 Not only was this impossible (port 139 blocked by
multiple systems) but there was NO evidence of this
occurring.  The admin's reason for his statement was,
"that's what hackers do."  

My point is...where, if at all, is this documented? 

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