I have been in the same boat and tried several products both WIN32 and *NIX.
No advertising here but I have found WebSpy (http://www.webspy.com) to meet
my needs and then some.  It is pricy but it has accomplished what used to
take me 2 to 4 days to do with Excel and Access.  

I hope this helps.

Mark Palmer, Director for ITS
Concordia University @ Austin

-----Original Message-----
From: Panth3r [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 5:39 PM
Subject: RE: Log Analysis

Not sure about windows, but there are alot of tools like that available for

Webalizer will show you traffic to and from sites  (plus alot more info) on
a graph and plain text.

If you mean 'sites' as in what computer has been accessed from where, check
sourceforge.net or freshmeat. i dont know of any that will put it in a nice
gui or graph for you but more than a few will send you email summarys.


Remote System Administration, Windows2Linux Migration&Integration and
security software development. http://xconsulting.dnsalias.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Niall O Malley (LMI) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 2:49 AM
Subject: Log Analysis


Are any of you aware of a tool that will allow an administrator to analyse
log files and produce statistics based on the log content.  I want to see
what sites have been accessed, how many times etc.

I want something preferably in real time with a gui/html interface. If it
was freeware/open source it would be great i.e. gnu etc.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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