
This is a result of your taking all control out of the hands of 
users...while it's very controlable from a sysadmin point of view, your 
users are obviously taken out of the loop and you wish to keep it that 

That being said...

What firewall are you using on the laptops?

The device hosting the web page in the hotels your users are using is 
likely a Cisco BBSM (Building Broadband Service Manager) 

I've seen these use both port 80 and HTTPS on 443.  The webserver is IIS :(


PV:Peter VE

PV>Hi all,
PV>I have a problem that has been bothering me for quite some time now
PV>All of our laptops have a personal firewall.
PV>THis means that they can connect to the internet (in terms of getting an IP
PV>address and do DNS name resolution) + establish a VPN tunnel into the
PV>corporate network. That's it... no browsing allowed, no email reading or
PV>sending allowed....
PV>When the users wants to access the internet, he has to establish the VPN and
PV>use the corporate proxy server...  better safe than sorry
PV>The users are not able to change the firewall policy nor  disable the
PV>firewall... it's always running
PV>The firewall is clever enough to detect when you are on the corporate
PV>network (private IP + ability to resolve internal DNS names), when you are
PV>on the internet (non-corporate IP address, or private ip address  but not
PV>able to resolve corporate internal DNS name), when you are using VPN and so
PV>on... this really works well
PV>Some hotels offer a broadband connection... but before you can access the
PV>internet, you need to connect to a website, and enter a passcode (so proper
PV>billing can be done).  We are blocking all access so the user cannot access
PV>this website...
PV>This is bothering me... how can we set things up so the user can use the
PV>local broadband connection,
PV>without dynamically changing the policy,
PV>without allowing internet browsing access at all times..
PV>Also, keep in mind that not all websites are running on port 80... it could
PV>be a different port...
PV>Any ideas ?

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