This brings up some interesting questions.

Would there be any legal issue with allowing open access from within your
company (for this restrictive network)? Is web type access going through a
proxy that is filtering? (Could the company be liable if something illegal
is done from the company owned IP space (child porn etc.)? Any due diligence
issues?? OR if a visitors information is stolen from the Internet while they
were connected from this unrestricted vlan?) 

Are more and more companies providing this type of unrestricted access to
their visitors? How are others doing this? Is there an industry standard or
a general practice ...


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 10:25 PM
Cc: jon kintner; Rick Darsey; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: RE: Preventing DHCP from allocating IPs

We are dealing with this right now.  We are creating an "area" on each
floor that visitors can use.  The ethernet ports in these areas will be
using a private vlan that provides IP connectivity and Internet access
only.  These areas are ACL'ed off from our enterprise network.  It is not
perfect, but since we have good physical security and all other ports on
the switch are disabled by default, it allows our vendors to use our
network as a transport service only.  I hope this helps a little.

Chris Tillett


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