The link provided by Anthony Shayla has some good info and some real bad,
especially when discussing information concerning Top Secret clearances. As
someone who spent 10 years with one, you can be given a Top Secret clearance
and have no access to Top Secret information. This is called a "GENSUR"
clearance, to be exposed to any "real" information you have to be
indoctrinated into a "program". Since I am under a NDA with DoD, I cannot
get into specifics but what Jamie is talking about is different "programs".
Joining the military is no guarantee that you will get a clearance, that
depends on career field, access, and need to know. If it is necessary for
you to perform your job, you will get one (and as a retired Navy
Photographer, I needed the clearance).

The best bet is to get into a Government Contract that is hiring IT
personnel, particularly for support of military networks such as NMCI (Navy
Marine Corps Intranet). However, if you have a "checkered" past you will
have significant problems, and with the current backlog of personnel trying
to obtain clearances expect 12 to 18 months to get a Secret, and possibly
several years to get a Top Secret (unless you have been previously cleared).

Robert Escue
System Administrator

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