Hi guys,

First of all i want to thank everyone for your input. This was great, i 
got more than i needed. To explain more what happend as i did not 
clarify everything from the first time.

It is imperative that in this case that the admin account was used to 
log the machines in, run services and scripts. This was not the admin 
account for all the network, JUST for that domain. That was a must and 
the situation that is here did not accept any other config.

We were checking the event viewer logs every time the account was being 
locked and we knew which machines were locking it but we couldnt figure 
it why. All the services had the new password, all the scripts had the 

The problem was solved rebooting the machines one more time. This would 
have been a last solution because the uptime for these machines is a 

Anyway problem has been solved now. All we can pray is that no other 
idiots make any mystakes like this to put us in a bad situation again.

Again thank you to everyone for the input.


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