I was looking at an Apache module design to (among other things) prevent
people from grabbing '/etc/passwd'. The module is called mod_security, and
can be found here: http://www.webkreator.com/mod_security/

After looking at an example configuration file:
I noticed the following line:
SecFilter /etc/password
SecFilter "\.\./"

 it seems that ALOT of different 'filters' use this, but would that stop
something like:


 I think this one might be fine, but most of the filters I see just look
for /etc/passwd. Does anyone have any suggestions on a more fool proof way
of stopping all '/etc/' attacks?


On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, Diego Figueroa wrote:

> How easy would it be in your script to do something like "userid=root"?
> Think about the possibility of someone injection code.
> Are you passing this information somewhere in the URL or in one of the
> "hidden" variables?
> IMHO messing with /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow from the web is a no-no.
> Diego.
> On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Ing. Bernardo Lopez wrote:
> > How secure could be my webserver if i allow some php scripts to modify
> > the file (directly) /etc/passwd & /etc/shadow but my script will only
> > allow to modify the line of the loged user (like userid=visitor, then he
> > only can see/modify visitor's line)??
> >
> > It is secure, if i enforce very enougth the security of the script... or
> > this stills being a stupid option?
> >
> > Also if i use that script only for modify the permisions of ftp's users
> > it stills unsecure? (if the ftpd runs whit a very unpriviligiated uid?)
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >

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