
This question is not from an admin but a end-user. I am doing my studies 
in a big university and we have many Win2K machines in our labs and 

Sometimes I find applications like Yahoo and MSN Messenger installed on 
these machines. I have also sometimes seen things like Kazaa. Technically 
these are not supposed to be there. As in only the apps that are installed 
by admins are supposed to be there and the above mentioned apps are not 
part of the admin list of apps. When I try to install an application, I 
get an error saying that I don’t have privileges. I know I don’t have 
privileges but there is someone out there who has found a way to bypass 
the restrictions. 

Question: How can someone bypass restrictions in Win2k to install software 
when he doesn’t have proper privileges?
Reason for asking question: If someone can install Kazaa, someone can also 
install a keyreader or something like that. 
Maybe I am paranoid, but everytime I login, maybe I am telling someone - 
hey, this is my passwrd. 


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