If you are using SQUID, try to get a copy of Calamaris.  It's a free tool
to check out web access statistics.  It determines which PC or user browse
a certain web site.  But it operates on the logs so I am not sure if this
is what you are looking for.

                      "Trevor Cushen"                                                  
                      <Trevor.Cushen@sy        To:       
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>               
                      snet.ie>                 cc:       (bcc: Technical Services/Asia 
                                               Subject:  RE: Monitoring office web use 
                      02/01/2003 01:40                                                 

Etherpeek will do this too by sniffing the network.  It is not free but
the eval limited functionality does what you want.
Runs on Windows


Trevor Cushen
Sysnet Ltd

Tel: +353 1 2983000
Fax: +353 1 2960499

-----Original Message-----
From: Hunt, Jim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 30 January 2003 17:18
Subject: RE: Monitoring office web use

Network Probe is a great little tool and is available for free on almost
any platform.


Jim Hunt
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer
Northwestern School Corporation
Kokomo, Indiana

-----Original Message-----
From: Sedat DOGRU [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 11:09 AM
Subject: Monitoring office web use


We are searching some (preferrably free source or at most cheap) tools
that can be used to monitor internet usage. The tool should be able to
runon linux, directly on the command line or as a deamon.The tool should

provide us the DNS names of the hosts that are connected to together
with the connection times.

I have done a search on google but could not find only some advanced
(and probably expensive) tools.

I've found that with extra scripting effort tcpdump, snort or tcpflow
can be made do the work, but I want to first find an easier solution

If you know any tools, please let me know

Thanks in advance,

Sedat Dogru


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