On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 10:54:13AM +0100, Chris Carter wrote:
> Hi guys,
> For the last two months or so I have been receiving emails with the
> I-Worm/Sobig virus attached about twice a day. My anti-virus sw protects
> me well so I am not infected in any way (nor has anybody else here).
> Initially, I used to ignore the messages and delete them; after a couple
> of weeks I decided to trace the source IP from the mail header and send
> complaint messages to the corresponding ISP. But the Bast**d keeps
> finding other IP's to mail me from. Messages come from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is
> anyone else being targeted? Is this a common occurrence? Am I the only
> one?

I appear to be.  My manual blackhole list has them blocked for
repeated virus tranmission.  I blocked the email address, not the IP
though, so I haven't noticed or cared about this in a while.

As it happens, Sobig usually sends email "From" [EMAIL PROTECTED], so
others that are infected will send you email from same.

For an analysis of Sobig, please follow this link:

   __o          Bradley Arlt                    Security Team Lead
 _ \<_          [EMAIL PROTECTED]           University Of Calgary
(_)/(_)         I should be biking right now.   Computer Science

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