>i want to know if there is a way of 
>making the OS undetectable. it will 
>be of great help if anyone could 
>point out how do it?. i am using 
>both windows and linux.

There are some suggestions in "Hacking Linux Exposed". One is put a dedicated firewall 
or linksys router between your machine & the net, then nmap sees the firewall but not 
your actual system. IPLog includes functionality intended to fool nmap and xprobe & 
can be found at < http://ojnk.sourceforge.net >. IPPersonality will "enable your 
machine to impersonate any " OS, found at < http://ippersonality.sourceforge.net >. 
The authors offer a caution that such measures may impact your performance or 
compatibility. These solutions will work for Linux  but probably not windows. 

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