
        I have implemented some time ago, something like this, but using
apache. Apache has a proxy module, that makes apache work as a proxy for
a hole site, or just some directories (this module does much more...). I
mean, you can have an exposed webserver (apache), and when someone issue
an GET /somedir/ apache will download http://othersite.../somedir/ and
show it to you.
        The httpd.conf will have something like this on your virtualhost

        ProxyPass /somedir/ http://othersite/somedir/

        So, you can have an apache webserver running on the internet, and
mapping some directories to your internal IIS or wherever webserver you

Hope you can understand something!


> Greetings,
> I've read about a way to secure webservers, which must not be directly
> exposed to the Internet, using a reverse proxy, e.g. MS ISA Server or
> Squid on a UNIX box.
> Now my question would be: Has anyone experience with that? Is it really
> more secure (compared to firewalling and port forwarding)? Is the MS ISA
> Server Webpublishing rule (which implies reverse caching) doing an
> application layer filtering or does it just the mentioned caching? Can a
> Squid reverse proxy solution fulfill that too?
> If not, what are the steps necessary to accomplish this?
> Your input is appreciated.
> -- 
> Jonas Nagel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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