I installed RedHat 7.3 in a minimal install, went through, disabled unused services, wrote my custom firewall script then went about automating everything. I also updated the kernel, and a few services (such as SSH). From your post, I doubt this is what you are looking for. While it will teach you a lot about Linux and firewalls it is probably not the place to start.

There are a few projects that may give you more of what you are looking for--
IPCop (http://icop.sourceoforge.net)
LEAF -- Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall (http://leaf.sourceforge.net)
Sungazer Packet Filter (http://sg-packetfilter.sourceforge.net)

And of course I have to suggest you look into my project too ;-)
FWReport (no web page yet, but see project page and download from http://sourceforge.net/projects/fwreport)

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

Justyn wrote:

I'm a home user rather new to firewalls. I have a spare pc I want to use as a firewall machine for our local lan of 2 workstations w/cable modem. I'm wanting a linux/unix flavor os for the firewall system. Would I be better off using a stripped down os that is tailored for firewall machines or something like redhat/freebsd? Would would anyone suggestion as a starting place to learn.


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