One important thing to note is that the preamble to the Privacy Rule says that 
companies must take adequate security precautions as part of the implementation of the 
Privacy Rule.

Some people have suggested that this means that you basically have to comply with the 
final version of the Security Rule starting on April 14.


In a message dated 2/27/2003 2:40:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Just to clarify several of the comments already posted.
> The HIPAA Privacy Rule goes into effect this April
> The HIPAA Security Rule goes into effect in April 2005
> Having said that you can't prove privacy without security!
> If you are just starting I would agree with Sonja-you have some work to do.
> I would also like to call attention to Brian's comment from several days ago.
> Brian said:...
> Try here:
> from about page 264, especially the grid on the last 3 pages...
> I have converted the matrix out of a .pdf and made it look 
> nice in word table, if you'd like a copy email me direct.
> Drew
> "HIPAA geek"

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