Tony -

Disclaimer:  I'm not clear on how much access you want/need to
provide to the vendors.  That said....

Have you investigated Radmin?  I've been very happy with it
in personal/research use for remote desktop/file transfer
activities.  It is allegedly encrypted and is capable of using
winders authentication on NT/2k systems, so you can set access
granularity on your server machine.  Each license comes with two
server/client pairs (one for each machine in the connection).

I say "allegedly" encrypted because the documentation says it is,
because I'm no security expert (so I can't figure out how to
differentiate it from obfuscation), and the friend of mine who plays
one at work tells me it is true.  I'm not sure where he ranks in the
rolls of experts, so thus the uncertainty.

Anybody out there actually hammered on Radmin to check the
encryption strength?  Any known problems in the latest
relesase (2.1)?

(who seems to have more questions than answers)

Charles Hamilton, PhD EIT               Faculty Fellow
Department of Civil and                 Phone: 949.824.3752
    Environmental Engineering           FAX:   949.824.2117
University of California, Irvine        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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