Comments below.

> Greetings,
> I want to know your opinions for the case below;
> I have severel users whose home directories lay in /home directory .
> Each user has a public_html directory in his/her home directory ,like ;
> /home/user_name/public_html
> Permissions of directories "user_name" and "public_html" must be at
> least 701 , so that web pages can be viewed .
> But there is another case , any of the users can "cd" to parent
> directory (/home in this case) , and then to "another_usersname"
> directory (which is home directory of any other user), and then to
> public_html and can view all the readable file in public_html (even in
> "another_usersname" directory).
> It can also be done via php and cgi
> (Ok,I know setting  "safe mode on" in php will prevent it, but I want a
> global solution).

One solution would be to chgrp the directories under /home to 'www' (or
whatever group apache runs as) and then use permissions 710.  Then users
would not be able to gain entry into the home directories of other uers
through the shell or FTP.

Disabling access through PHP and CGI would be a bit tricker.  I think you
can use suexec to force any CGI scripts to run as the user who owns it.
I have not tried this myself, so I do not know if it will work. (I suggest
reading the following page on suexec: )

As far as limiting PHP...  You may have to rely on enabling safe mode amd
then setting the doc_root setting for each variable to the user's home
directory.  Another method, although a bit nastier, is that, for any user
who wishes to run PHP, you assign them a PHP CGI which is owned by them
and then you can run that through suexec as well.

There may be other ways to do this.  I've never really thought about
setting this up.  Maybe I'll try it later tonight.

I hope this helps.


Chris Ess, CDTT (Certified Duct Tape Technician)

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