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   I'm working in a security area, and we have a little discussion
   about Digital Signatures with malicious program.
   Suppose that:

   Some person A try to sign a contract with other B using some open
   source(*) word procesor. Well, A knows that their word processor
   have malicious code inside, that do this thing:

       Have two different documents in memory
       The first document is the document that you're viewing
       "A will pay to B $1000 for your work"
       The second document is the document "malformed" that 
       will be signed with A private key. But "malformed"
       document say:
       "B will pay to A $1000 for your work"

   Then... you see a document that's not real... but you don't know
   After this both will be sign this document, but only A knows the 
   real contains of the document.

   Obviously, B could be check the HASH of the source code,
   or binary program from a trusted site.

   But there are another way to check that?. 

   [(*)I said open source, because it's more easy to modify... but, in
   fact a VB program could be look's like M$Office and do the same

   Thanks a lot,

   - Felix
   [sorry, my english is really poor]

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