I have mixed feelings about the legislation in California, designed to give the public 
more information about what threats or hacks companies are facing.  That's good news 
from a security standpoint, but I for one can attest to the fact that a number of 
online retailers (large and small) are doing this already, without (until now) the 
fear of legislation or prosecution.

The messages I've gotten have been from the retailer, letting me know what happened 
(they were cracked, and my information may have been compromised), and quickly 
followed from a message or phone call from my bank, requiring me to cancel and 
re-issue a card.  Which means the retailer not only contacted me about the problem, 
but also my financial institution.  So the market is doing a good deed, it may just 
need to be done on a more global scale.

I agree with Schmidt's quote on having the market drive the need for this sort of 
behavior.  Legislation of this type, in my opinion, only leads to more watching by 
governments, interest groups, and people looking for a way to hit the jackpot in a 

Since the WWW and the larger Internet ventures are touted to be open and accessible 
forms of media (sans censorship and regulation), we should not look to legislation to 
force us in certain directions, but to look to one another to help drive trends that 
we, as both consumers and creators of the technology, are best capable of setting.

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