(snipped for brevity)

Keith A. Glass wrote:
-----Original Message-----

I admit to a predjudice towards firmware-based firewalls, only because the
underlying OS's of an OS-based firewall may or may not be properly hardened.


Likewise, some idiot can (and I've seen this happen) create a wide-open ACL on a PIX firewall. Doesn't make the box the problem. Means it was misconfigured and not hardened enough.

When examining closely on of the two Checkpoints, I noticed the S78sendmail script was still in /etc/rc2.d. Since Sendmail is verboten on all but two specially designated servers in our net, I examined the box more closely, and found it to be a generic Solaris 8 Core package with no hardening whatsoever, not even services commented out in /etc/inetd.conf. . .

That CAN'T happen on a firmware-based box, hence my predjudice for them over


Granted. This cannot happen when a feature does not exist on a device. It also means that the product being critiqued is a more flexible product with a wider range of potential services to offer. And yes, that can be a two edged sword.

Like the PIX I mentioned above, if misconfigured, it is less than secure.

With both, misconfigurations are the kiss of death. Kinda reminds me of the old GIGO (garbage in - garbage out) acronym. If the guy building the rules or specifying which services are available, screws up, your whole box can be compromised...firmware or not.



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