On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 11:25, Chip McClure wrote:
> Ulisses Eduardo said:
> Hello,
> No experience with Biometric used with ATM machines. However, iris
> recognition is probably one of the most foolproof methods for use in
> identification. Face recognition, as well as fingerprinting can be duped.
> Iris recognition is impossible. There is no way to alter the blood vessels
> inside the cornea.
> Chip
Sorry i cant provide the source, but i remember hearing about a study
done in Japan. This particular team found that iris authentication could
be circumvented by using dye in eyes like eye drops. It some how threw
off the technique enough to bypass that particular method. 
My 1/5 of a dime.

> >
> > Does anybody know about any real life experience about deploying
> > biometric  authentication inside bank ATM (Automated Teller Machines)
> > kiosks?
> >
> >   What has been the best efficient biometric security method:
> > fingerprinting? iris recognition? face recognition?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ulisses
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----
> Chip McClure
> Sr. Unix Administrator
> GigGuardian, Inc.
> http://www.gigguardian.com/
> -----
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


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