If you mean they're windows users, direct them to putty, it does port
forwarding and all that good stuff.  Ssh.com has a free client too, I

-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn English [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: sftp vs ftp with ssl

On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 11:53, subscribe wrote:
> Hi list,
> I've been trying to get up an secure ftp server on linux platform,
> pureftpd.
> This utillity support both sftp and ftp tls/ssl. Is there anyone who has
> any experiance with secure ftp servers on any platforms? any
> suggestions?
> or pointers? Im not sure how firewalls will react on these two types,
> regarding
> ports etc?

I've been using sftp (and rsync via ssh) for some time now (OpenSSH on

My firewall has just one hole in it: TCP, port 22. Login from the
Internet is allowed only by RSA key. 

I trust it completely, and I've never had a hint of trouble from it. I
claim you don't need anything more than the OpenSSH package (and maybe

The only problem I've had is that I still have to keep ftp around for
some of the webmasters with *nix-challenged software.

Glenn English



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