
> Trying put place a caching box to save my bandwidth, parallely need to build
> a bridge on the same system. (it is an ISP setup)
> The purpose of bridging is , I have lots of customer behind my squid, so I
> need the packets to take there own IP address to the internet and not my
> caching machine(A.B.C.D) IP.

I think it is better to use transparent proxying instead of bridging. To use
transparent proxying on a 2.4 kernel, you will need the cttproxy patch, which
you can download from: http://www.balabit.com/downloads/tproxy/linux-2.4/

(BTW, this patch is part of the Adamantix kernel source package, so you can use
that if you don't want to patch the kernel yourself.)

You would have to configure the system as router and direct the traffic of the
clients through this machine. I'm not sure if Squid can create outbound
connections using the client's IP address. The best bet for getting an answer
to that question is to ask on the squid mailing list.

Peter Busser
The Adamantix Project
Taking trustworthy software out of the labs, and into the real world


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