On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 08:19, Gordon Brandt wrote:
> I have noticed the following port scans lately on my network
> 08/11/2003 05:14:22.112 -     Possible Port Scan -    Source:, 1745,
> WAN -         Destination:, 7782, LAN -        UDP scanned port list,
> 8777, 8777, 7778, 7779, 7780 -
> 08/11/2003 05:14:22.128 -     Probable Port Scan -    Source:, 1745,
> WAN -         Destination:, 7787, LAN -        UDP scanned port list,
> 8777, 8777, 7778, 7779, 7780, 7781, 7782, 7783, 7784, 7785 -
> I did a little digging with google, and it appears that these ports are used
> by Unreal Tournament servers.  So, after seeing this, I relaxed a little
> thinking that someone had just gotten a new game.  This morning, I checked
> my email, and I have a significant amount of these messages, coming into
> different branch offices (we use cable/dsl for internet access) so it can't
> just be one person with a new pc.
> Anyone else seeing this?
> Gordon Brandt
> Network Engineer
> AP Wagner, Inc.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Not to deflect attention from any possible intrusion attempts, but if
this happens primarily over the weekends or after-hours, your office
might be inhabitated by a bunch of gamers who cannot afford broadband at
home, and are using the office high speed connections to get their fix.

Since I play UT once in a while (on my home DSL), I can understand their
need for a low ping.


Ranjeet Shetye
Senior Software Engineer
Zultys Technologies
Ranjeet dot Shetye2 at Zultys dot com
The views, opinions, and judgements expressed in this message are solely
those of the author. The message contents have not been reviewed or
approved by Zultys.


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